About Me

My name is Jakub Beralski.

I am simply another one of the 7 billion little four-limbed ants that clutter the otherwise perfect paradise of Earth. On this blog, I write things. Namely, poetry. Why do I write poetry? Because I believe the English language is an expansive landscape that deserves to be explored in the form of words woven together with rhythm, meter, and rhetorical, metaphorical thoughts. Whether or not you agree with my opinion is fully your prerogative.

With that said, hopefully my poetry has something to offer you. If not, then that's okay too. It'll be an experience either way, and I thank you for partaking in it with me.

If you would like to leave a comment, ask a question about me or my work, or send a message for any other purpose, feel free to send me an e-mail at beralski@gmail.com, or a message to my Tumblr at jakub-beralski.tumblr.com. Adieu!