16 December, 2017

#0133 - Violence

all you need is a little violence
to get through the day.

But fire your shots into the void,

for neither the light
nor the darkness
will appreciate an assault.

10 December, 2017


This week, Déraciné magazine​ published their début issue—Volume I, for Winter 2017—and I have the honor of being published in this issue with a previously unseen poem, “Waterfall.” I thank Déraciné sincerely for their hard work, and for allowing me to be a part of the project and community that they are introducing.

But I am not the only person to be published in this issue. My work appears alongside the works of 27 other individuals, each offering their own art form forward in an outstanding phantasmagoria of words, images, emotions, and ideas. Anyone who has some moments of time on their hands (and everyone does) should be happy to head over to their site to take a gander at this début issue.

