25 June, 2018

#0139 - A Story of Seeking Warmth...

{Written as part of Sextravaganza 2018, hosted by a number of poetic/literary enthusiasts on Tumblr}

The frozen Arctic wastes were cold and white.
That endless nothing streched from near to far—
a vapid vastness reaching past our sight.
...For friends, we only had the nightly stars.

A night spent hiding from the howling wind
gave birth to new ideas for warmth...and fun.
At first just hesitation: winks, a hint.
And then our hands were hunting pleasure und-

-er walls of cloth. And four together found
desire: reckless lust behind a blush.
The night then found salacious sounds, and dark-
-ness hid the scene of flesh exploring flesh.

Thus, miles apart from any sight: we found
new comfort, joy in something warm and white.

17 June, 2018

#0138 - Reinvigorating a Dimming Memory

It's been too long since I've written here,
or, for that matter, anywhere.

Here's a toast to the forgetfulness inherent to my humanity:
that which leads me to forget just how beautiful free-flowing words are.
And here's a "thank you" to music:
the enlightening beats and chords and walls of sound
that remind me why I picked up my six strings in the first place.
And an offed hat to those people that have bothered to say
"that's incredible" or even just "wow,"
for they remind me that my story and existence is not just for me,
but for everyone else as well.

As immersive as this life can be,
what makes it divine and beautiful is not that it's fun,
but that nothing you do is in a vaccuum.

Pursue your limitlessly expressive words,
and your infinitely explorative notes,
and your traveled, choreographed footsteps,
and your inimitably powerful eyes,
and your endlessly vibrant colors,
and your uniquely enlightening perspectives,
and your secretly immersive euphorias,
and your aesthetically magnificent designs,
and your perfectly precise constructs.

These are the multifarious and intimate hues
which color the simple base and outline of your live.

...Your mind, heart, body, and soul all seek exploration.
Do not feed them with routine or mundanity.